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Let's Get Naked!

Let's Get Naked!

Regular price $19.95 AUD
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The Let's Get Naked Game is for a group of partygoers who are ready to *really* get to know one another! The Let's Get Naked Game includes cards that encourage you to remove an item of clothing or tell the person to your right to remove an item of clothing, or name sex positions until someone can't ... and then that person removes an item of clothing. Sometimes you'll get a card that tells you to put on some clothing. But they're rare. Maybe you can't afford a stripper and you really wanted one for the party, so you'll just get this game and make your guests strip instead!

This is a fun game if you want to get really wild, or if you're having a co-ed bachelorette party.

Includes 53 cards -- 52 game cards and 1 rules card.

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